Logan and Neal Grudi are the owners of Sow N Grow Greenhouse located in Thomasville, PA. Founded in the spring of 2022, Sow N Grow Greenhouse is a small local greenhouse where you can find mostly annuals, perennials, vegetable plants, herbs, succulents, houseplants, seeds, pots, and a few garden accessories.

Logan operates and manages the greenhouses on a daily basis, but she also stays at home with their two boys, Nolan and Tristan, and their chocolate lab/springer spaniel mix, Izzy. Having the greenhouses located behind their residence, allows Logan to enjoy their children while they are young and pursue her passion for horticulture.

Neal works outside the home, but when he’s not working his regular job, you can usually find him working on greenhouse projects, farming or hanging out with their boys. He’s a jack of all trades and built the greenhouses from the ground up, making Logan’s dream a reality.

Nolan, Tristan and Izzy are on the “greeting committee” at the greenhouse, welcoming you with a sweet hello, smile, giggle or wag of a tail! They are the heart of their family making life a lot of fun, and only a little bit of crazy, and they are the driving force behind this small business.


Logan has always been an avid gardener growing up and her favorite part about the season was visiting her local greenhouse for her vegetable plants. She could spend hours in the greenhouse surrounded by all the beauty. Year after year, her interest in having a greenhouse of her own grew.

She started out with a hobby sized greenhouse and was successful growing her own veggie plants. She then decided she wanted to experiment with starting her own flower seeds, so Neal built her a larger greenhouse the following year. She had decent germination rates for flowers that year. With having success with both vegetables and flowers, she decided to turn her hobby into a business to see where it could take her. Neal got to work on building the third greenhouse, while Logan worked on setting up the business side of things.


The name came from Logan’s desire (over time, that is) to sow a majority of her plants at her own greenhouse rather than purchasing from another nursery. This would allow her to learn about each plant as it grows and make improvements for the future (as she has no prior experience or degree in horticulture). “Sow N Grow” just made sense!